Wednesday, January 15, 2014

who knew

ph. viavisual optimist s/s/a/w '14 w nadja bender shot by hasse nielsen

Slides and socks...i fell for it. I remember seeing it live for the first time when agnes from rodeo wore the adidas ones and i just thought: this is weird.. actually seeing it... like this... doesn't look feminine at all.. but it's cool? no it's weird... but it'sa comfy trend? I won't fall for this one...

I think my problem was that i related these bastards to the small town my parents come from when my cousins walked around in them dirty and all to go get eggs from the chickens in the backyard and i was just like dude your slides are ugly and everyone knows u can't wear socks with them.

thirsty hearts

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

high expectaions


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